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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Parent Involvement

Parents are a child’s first and most important teacher. Children who have parents that are actively involved in their child’s life and education are more likely to:
Ø  Attend school regularly
Ø  Have fewer behavior problems
Ø  Participate in extra-curricular activities
Ø  Create positive social connections
Ø  Graduate from High School
Ø  Pursue a higher education
Creating a Welcoming School Environment
It is important for parents to feel welcome in the school environment.  Teachers and administrators should be willing to provide opportunities for parents to become involved.  Teachers should keep parents informed about things happening in the classroom. Parents should strive to maintain open communication with teachers.  Some teachers and administrators discourage parental involvement because of the fear that parents will become too involved.  Open and respectful communication with parents is necessary to establish a positive relationship. There is sometimes a perception that parents do not want to be involved. In reality, parents are often intimidated by teachers and therefore do not try to help in the school. These same parents are often the first to blame the teacher if their child has academic problems. Consequently, parents do not attend school functions as regularly as they should. When children see their parents actively involved and feeling positive about the school, the child benefits academically and socially.  
Parents can volunteer to participate on committees in the school. They can provide classroom teachers with supplies that are not provided. Parents can help with fund raising activities and in some situations they can volunteer to tutor struggling students.  Reading with their child at home is an important way for parents to be involved. There are many ways parents can participate in their child’s academic life that are not intrusive in the classroom. 
Smart teachers embrace the parent that wants to be involved with their student. These teachers recognize the benefit to them and to their students.  Teachers can facilitate good communication between parents and the classroom by providing a newsletter for parents. They can enlist their help with some classroom activities. The benefits of this union far outweigh any possible negatives that arise.                

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